* Perfect shattering of holed concave shapes like 3D letters
* 20% speed up shatter for hi-poly meshes
* Improved behavior of fracture bodies option “Break Upon Impact” specially with force fields.
* “Force convex shapes” is now the default for fracture bodies creation, allowing very fast and stable fracture dynamics in most cases
* Fixed rigid body masses overrided after reseting scene
* Fixed jagginess doesnt apply to fragments with multi uvs
* Fixed shatter crash when non-convex faces are present
* Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent points each time
* Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders
* Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane
* Fixed 3d max crash when apply jagginess to concave faces
* Fixed 3d Max crash sometimes after making scene->new and resetting simulation
* Fixed 3d Max crash after shattering an object with modifiers applied sometimes
* Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects
* Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes
* Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping