Pulldownit for 3D MAX > Version Logs
Version Logs
Update 5.8



  New Fast Stacking & Deactivation solver up to 4x faster

  New UI parameter "adquire anim velocity factor"

  Improved performance in fracture againts animated bodies

  New Jagginess option "Add jagginess to All fragments"

  New Jagginess mode "Assymetric tesselation" 50% less polys than Uniform mode

  New Jaggines user prompt, displaying quick info about current jaggy mode and selected fragment state.

  New ability to animate cracker multiplier or disable it at desired frame

  New UI option "set all dyn values to default" for rigid bodies

  Instance shapes fully supported in the dynamics solver

  Wind & Gravity range as exclusion volume


* Fixed ShatterIt MT creates a new cut material per shatter operation
* Fixed rigid bodies colliding with animated objects sometimes go through ground grid
* Fixed change name of fracture body doesnt skip already existing names
* Fixed change name of cracker doesnt skip already existing names
* Fixed disabled fracture bodies are reseted when user reset the pdi  scene
* Fixed fragments colliding with ground has sometimes a weird drift motion
* Fixed rbd "update transfom" doesnt activate the body if it has been removed from simulation
* Fixed selected bodies in PDi Manage World Window doesnt select in viewport
* Fixed remove kinematic body from simulation clear its dynamic keys
* Fixed clear viewport selection and reset the scene causes selected fbody params not displayed
* Fixed Anim params missed after delete all clusters
* Fixed force fields doesnt affect rigid bodies with mass > 1.0
* Fixed disable "all paths in group" cracker options left the discarded splines selected in viewport
* Fixed refine cracker path( editable spline->refine) make app crash when cracker attached to it
* Fixed Select cracker path left cracker selected preventing for editing it
* Fixed broken clusters of disabled fractured bodies are resetted with the scene
* Fixed App get stuck when creating fracture body from many objects with attach nearest option
* Fixed modifying fracture parameters for hi-poly bodies get stuck for a while
* Fixed rigid body mass center is set to pivot on creation in place of geometric center
* Fixed apply rigid body initial spin doesnt works correctly when bodies are static
* Added warning when setting rbd from object with more than 100k faces

Update 5.5



    Shatter it multithreaded( up to 4x faster)

    Bounded Cracks 2x faster computing

    New ability to delete shatter centers directly in the viewport

    Initial velocity and angular velocity can be added to "static-activation at frame" fracture bodies

    New ability to apply bounded crack mode until frame

    New ability to create crackers for all selected curves at once

    New ability to set parameters for several crackers at once

    New Ability to create many fracture bodies at once

   New ability to set parameters for several fractures at once

* Fixed large fragments get detached unexpectedly sometimes
* Fixed add PDI jagginess creates weird long thin triangles for concave faces sometimes
* Fixed crackers push the whole model when hitting unbreakable areas
* Fixed Shatterit styles miss extent value when not using draft mode
* Fixed Shatterit Wood Splinters center doesnt match object center in draft mode
* Fixed shatter locator generates points far away of the object sometimes
* Fixed Bounded Cracks causes instablities in static fracture bodies sometimes
* Fixed fracture default params for crackers ignored when original object has other splines attached in 3ds max
* Fixed single rbd-fbody collision generates bounded fragments when bounded crackers present
* Fixed bounded cracks fails sometimes for large thin models
* Fixed "activate at frame" Fbody adquires incorrect velocity when was broken before activation
* Fixed Crackers list cannot be expanded
* Fixed user can assing several crackers to the same path
* Fixed small fragments can break fracture bodies in advance
* Fixed small fragments can activate fracture bodies in advance
* Fixed animated "only break" Fbodies cannot break each other when propagation is set to local
* Fixed setting fracture Hardness around 0 doesnt break the fracture body completely
* Fixed change PDI bounding volume when rbd simulation is at frame diferent than 0 get initial position lost
* Fixed Shatter it huge slow down when model has materials per face
* Fixed dynamic cracks can detach too large fragments
* Fixed add jagginess to selected fragment only not working
* Fixed Fracture-single body collision can be missed if fbody doesnt break
* Fixed Cracker impulse Direction is set to custom when modifying any cracker textbox parameter(Max)
* Fixed reverse cracker gets removed after editing the cracker spline in 3ds Max
* Fixed collision with animated body can be missed if other body is sleeping
* Fixed delete/delete all fbody doesnt clear pdi keys if scene is saved with them in 3ds Max

Update 5.3



    Shatter it 2x faster

    Whole shatter group is hilighted before creating fracture body

    Shatter locator auto return to a valid position after user release the mouse button


* Fixed floating license can not be recovered if internet connection is lost for a while
* Fixed Shatterit huge slow down when updating shatter region for hi-poly meshes
* Fixed Path Based shatter doesnt keep number of shards when point cloud is displaced by the user
* Fixed shatter locator affect point cloud weirdly when it is far from the object
* Fixed Shatterit vertex normals messed up sometimes for cap faces
* Fixed multiple uvsets arent preserved after shatter combined models
* Fixed vertex colors arent preserved after shatter combined models
* Fixed convex hull shape generation get stucked for hi-poly models sometimes
* Fixed Fbody "activate at frame" is missed after reshattering the model

Update 5.2


This update features a number of fixes from previous version.


* Fixed cluster sharing stresess causes application crash after loading the scene
* Fixed non jaggy faces or neihgboring fragments get deformed
* Fixed large thin triangles still created in some cut faces when shattering
* Fixed "Unbreakable until frame" cluster cannot exceed a frame 1000 value  
* Fixed fracture body mesh cannot behidden after hit "anim params" button
* Fixed force field for rbds are incorrectly sum up  
* Fixed fracture solver explodes unexpectely in some rare situations
* Fixed local shatter centers doesnt fit to convex hull of object sometimes
* Fixed reduce shatter centers left tripod active for hidden centers
* Fixed shatter locator affect point cloud weirly when it is far from the object
* Fixed reshatter in wood splinter after moving the locator spoil the shatter group
* Fixed Path shatter generates less shards than expected when shattering several objects at once

update 5.1


This update features a number of fixes from previous version.

* Fixed app crash when loading a new scene and a fracture body was saved in broken state
* Fixed Shatter it crash when a mesh has vertex colors but a face hasnt it assigned
* Fixed neighboring cluster sharing stresess causes crash after loading the scene
* Fixed app crash when loading a PDi scene after playing another PDi scene
* Fixed Pdi scenes behave weirdly after loading sometimes
* Fixed selected cluster color is saved with the scene  sometimes
* Fixed "break at frame" clusters ignores propagation scheme
* Fixed jaggy "broken only" non jaggy faces or neihgboring fragments get deformed
* Fixed jaggy "broken only" doesnt match tesellation of adjacent faces sometimes
* Fixed reshatter animated fragments + assign rbds is not working as expected
* Fixed local style shatter center changes suddenly when in draft mode sometimes
* Fixed fracture bodies made of non connected parts fails to break sometimes
* Fixed several small parts of "only break" fratures are ignored sometimes
* Fixed detached fragments of "only break" fratures get freezed after resume simulation

Release 5.0



    PDI fractures solver 2x faster

    PDI Fracture solver gets more debris in areas nearby impact objects

    New Extent parameter for Shatter it tool

    New ability to exclude part of the curve in Shatter it Draft Mode

    New bounded behaviour for crackers

    New ability to reverse Cracker direction

    Create Fracture body 2x faster
    Creating and modifying clusters is now an almost instant operation
    Stresses view "break at frame" clusters are displayed in green color

    Jagginess applies by default to broken fragments only


* Fixed force fields can break completely clusters regardless of its hardness
* Fixed crackers trigger "activate at first hit" fbodies event
* Fixed shatter points cannot be completely squeezed over borders
* Fixed several force fields affecting a fbody at once are computed incorreclty
* Fixed cluster out stresses arent broken by fields
* Fixed fbodies break threshold dependance on force fields strenght
* Prevent shatter spline from be moved when in shatter preview mode
* Fixed force fields activate first hit rigid bodies
* Fixed fbody "set all values to default" spoil initial state if bake keys is off
* Fixed pdi rigid body "delete selected" update viewport only after closing window
* Fixed static fragments doesnt propagate stress
* Fixed low mass  impact objects never trigger fracture despite its velocity
* Fixed increasing fracture hardness has little effect in how the object breaks
* Fixed path based shatter make plugin crash with some concave models
* Fixed single fragments still selected after create a cluster
* Fixed "anim to dyn" works weirdly when object pivot doesnt match its mass center
* Fixed  new cluster isnt highligted after creation

Update 4.82


This update features a number of fixes from previous version.


* Fixed convex hull for very thin objects was created a 0 height always
* Fixed animated fbodies does transition to dynamics wrong when using "break at frame" clusters
* Fixed "break at frame" clusters are ignored if the object is already broken
* Fixed pdi crash when shattering a model with more than 8 uvsets
* Fixed shatter it crash sometimes when objects has several uvsets assigned
* Fixed issues when shattering containers objects
* Fixed single rigid bodies still created when create fracture fails
* Fixed cracker size cannot be less than 0.1, causing issues when working in cm
* Fixed reshattering an object duplicates shatter group when original object has childs
* Fixed path based shatter does it wrong sometimes when using it without preview mode
* Fixed plugin crash when select cracker path but no cracker selected in list
* Fixed crash when Undo all shatter and some fragments belong to an existing fracture body
* Prevent viewport degrade geometry when in shatter preview mode
* Fixed alembic object name is always combined01
* Fixed Fbody anim modifier fails to animate fbody hardness correctly
* Fixed clusterize removes "relative to mass" weights for "activate at frame" fbodies
* Fixed force fields can break completely fracture bodies regardless of its hardness
* Fixed force fields can activate "only break" fracture bodies
* Fixed crackers not moving still causes objects fracturing
* Fixed Static "only break" fbodies are activated by broken clusters if clusterize > 0

Update 4.8



 Shatter it 2x faster
 Shatter preview mode 3x faster with hi-poly meshes

 Path-based shatter retuned for max freehand splines

 New transition animation-dynamics method for  fracture bodies

 Secundary cracks are now per fragment

 Can reshatter single fragments of baked fracture bodies to any extend
 Shatter group is now hilighted before shatter "undo All"
 Inproved quality of jaggy tesselation



* Fixed "unbreakable until frame" event doesnt work when some fragments are static
* Fixed static fracture bodies in contact breaks always at the begining of simulation
* Fixed cluster break energy doesnt work when cluster hardness > 0
* Fixed cluster break energy still acts after the cluster has been dettached
* Fixed "break at frame " cluster get detached by force fields in advance
* Fixed cluster of "only breaks" fracture bodies doesnt break off
* Fixed models made of diferent parts shatter always as detached meshes
* Fixed jaggines applies wrongly to old cut faces
* Fixed animated nodes child of other animated one are set wrongly as first hit
* Fixed delete single cluster spoil clusterize state
* Fixed change Bvolume after simulating keeps simulation keys
* Fixed shatterit ignores shaders when object has symetry modifier
* Fixed pdi vertex normals are computed inverted sometimes
* Fixed shatterit get uvs messed up sometimes if material channel > 1
* Fixed "ativate at frame" rbd doesnt adquire momentum
* Fixed add jagginess get stucked if fragments are grouped by user
* Fixed pdi cutmat is duplicated for reshattered fragments
* Fixed Alembic exporter includes hidden objects in the group
* Fixed Alembic exporter path ignored
* Fixed all fracture params are reset to default if creation fracture body fails
* Fixed animated fracture bodies doesnt delete fragments keys after reset
* Fixed activation frame is not updated if changed when fracture body is broken
* Fixed fracture body creation fails if force convex shapes is disabled
* Fixed mesh-mesh collision get stucked sometimes
* Fixed seed doesnt affect local shatter centers position
* Fixed convex hull construction fails for very thin objects
* Fixed fragments cannot be set as static if selected before open advanced fractures panel
* Fixed weird aligment of points of Path based shatter with thin objects
* Fixed reducing scene time range doesnt fit simulation time
* Fixed local shatter locator doesnt fit to selected fragment area
* Fixed local shatter locator miss to display sometimes
* Fixed hi-tesselated shards fails to match jaggy borders in some areas
* Fixed large Jaggy borders almost not deform
* Fixed jaggy artifacts in borders of flat fragments
* Fixed 3ds max doesnt load sim start/end frame when scene time range diferent than file time range
* Fixed fracture body mass not saved  sometimes
* Fixed Path Based shatter fails when spline is close but not inside the convex mesh
* Fixed fracture body animatable modifier displays a strange string title
* Added warning when hierarchy scale tranform has scale keys


Update 4.5



New custom exporter for Alembic cache files

 New "increase selection" option for easier cluster creation

 Added ability to change propagation scheme at desired frame

 Improved behaviour of "only break" fracture bodies

 Hi-poly animated meshes 2x times faster update in dynamics

 Easily  recompute rigid bodies with baked keys in dynamics

 Added a hint warning  when traying to shatter an object with open edges

 Manage PDi World Window is now modeless

 New option to show/hide all disabled rigid bodies in scene

 Local shatter now fits to reference object when  it is shape based

 Adquire shatter can transfer animation from single shape node to multi shape nodes


* Fixed sec cracks value not saved with fracture defaults
* Fixed some fragments disappear after loading a scene with jagginess and pdi world is cleaned
* Fixed jaggy faces distortion because of displacing non cortner jaggy vertex
* Fixed clusters colors not saved with scene
* Fixed after loading a PDi scene and delete a pdi cluster 3ds max crash
* Fixed None bounding volumes are drawed wrongly in 3ds max as cubes
* Fixed 3ds max viewport slow down when many rigid bodies selected
* Fixed cannot shatter objects not having UVs
* Fixed selected fragments in viewport are cleared for PDI tools after computing simulation
* Fixed 3ds Max crash sometimes after deleting a fracture body with any fragment selected in viewport
* Fixed 3ds Max crash if do Shatter Undo with some fragments grouped
* Fixed 3ds Max crash when kinematic-mesh animated bodies changes topology per frame
* Fixed "unbreakable until frame" event doesnt work when some fragments are static
* Fixed cluster break energy doesnt work when cluster hardness > 0
* Fixed cluster break energy still acts after the cluster has been dettached
* Fixed "break at frame " cluster get detached by force fields in advance
* Fixed static non "first hit" fracture bodies start to break in advance sometimes
* Fixed "activation at frame" rigid bodies miss it initial speed after simulating them
* Fixed switching a rigid body from dynamic to static keeps its simulation keys
* Fixed change Bvolume after simulating keeps simulation keys


Update 4.1


This update features a number of fixes of previous version.


* Fixed vertex color shatter almost ignores small white areas
* Fixed 3ds Max crash when change of tab and fracture body selected in list
* Fixed local shatter fits points to surface incorrectly in concave areas
* Fixed convex hull volume crash sometimes for hi-poly models
* Fixed selected fracture body outline is visible after resetting the scene
* Fixed shards shearing in  dynamics if original shape has scale transform
* Fixed transfer keys range set to the number of source keys in place of time range
* Fixed vertex color shatter fits points to convex hull in place of original shape
* Fixed modify local jagginess doesnt affect neighbors
* Fixed delete local jagginess doesnt affect neighbors
* Fixed local jagginess now applies to cut faces of neighboring fragments
* Fixed set all values to default in frame diferent than 1 spoil fracture body
* Fixed clusters colors not saved with scene in 3ds max
* Fixed application crash after loading a PDi scene and delete a pdi cluster

Release 4.0



New shatter option for using a volume shape as source

New Adquire Shatter style Jagginess is now independent of mesh tessellation

New soften edges UI parameter for jagginess

New option to apply jaggines to broken fragments only

Speed up Fractures solver 30%

New ability to pull apart pieces of an animated object in dynamics at desired frame

New ability to reset scene keeping animation keys for selected objects

Fracture body Hardness, Friction and Bounciness can be animated

Clusterize parameter now depends on object hardness

Cluster break energy is now independent of mass

First hit bodies which eventually doesnt move are excluded from baking keys




* Fixed shatter history points doesnt match the object transform in frame diferent than 0 for animated objects
* Fixed animated bodies fails to compute vertex velocities sometimes
* Fixed shatter a non animated parent node hide all its shilds in viewport
* Fixed firts hit fbodies arent activated if impact body mass is less than its own mass
* Fixed shatterit tool doesnt detect when PDI cluster selected
* Fixed disabled fbodies slow down simulation
* Fixed deleting a fracture body doesnt delete the rigid bodies belonging to clusters
* Fixed create an animated fracture body in frame diferent that start frame get initial position lost
* Fixed 3d Max reset badly single rigid bodies when current frame is diferent than start frame
* Fixed 3d max dont return to Hi-quality viewport after preview mode
* Fixed relative to mass value is ignored for linked to anim fbodies if users changes the start frame
* Fixed faces marked with 3ds Max flags are sometimes mistaken as cut faces by the plugin

Update 3.8.8



Available for 3d Max  2019


* Fixed switching a fracture body static ON/OFF makes it to ignore its velocity parameters
* Fixed cannot disable fracture bodies
* Fixed unbreakable activation at frame fractures moves in advance sometimes
* Fixed 3d Max crash if user delete the source node assigned for shattering
* Fixed 3d Max crash if user delete shatter path node when it is assigned for shattering
* Fixed 3d Max crash after scene new if source object for shattering was selected.
* Fixed vertex normals for objects with rotate transform are incorrect after shattering.
* Fixed jaggy framents get cut material lost when its slot is diferent than 1    

Update 3.8.7



*Available for 3d Max  2018


* rigid bodies are now deleted when deleting the fracture body they belong to
* Fixed "activation at frame" option doesnt adquire momentum
* Fixed shatter points doesnt match the object transform in frame diferent than 0 for animated objects
* Fixed animated objects doesnt reshatter correctly in frame diferent than start frame
* Fixed fracture body ability to spin is blocked if changing mass when the object is broken
* Fixed shatterit crash for meshes made of diferent parts sometimes
* Fixed crackes cannot fracure bodies anymore
* Fixed 3d max crash when setting a degenerate fragment in dynamics
* Fixed 3d max crash crash if doing shatter preview after user remove manually the fragments
* Fixed pdi primitives doesnt update for animated fracture bodies when scrubbing the timeline

Update 3.8.6



* Shatter support Vertex color
* New  Vertex color shatter style
* New set All Values to Defaults fracture option
* Current basic fracture options are saved after deleting the fracture body


* Fixed local shatter locator disappears when changing object position or object is animated
* Fixed pdi modifiers appears in the modifiers list and they shouldnt
* Fixed original object turns not renderable after Shatter Undo All
* Fixed create fracture body makes 3ds max stuck with some complex models
* Fixed local shatter style crash when user set 0 shards
* Fixed Undo Last shatter ignores create  rigid bodies option
* Fixed changing centre mass get initial position lost
* Fixed 3d max crash when doing shatter undo all after isolate fragments
* Fixed Shatter fails if mesh have several edit poly/edit mesh  modifiers applied
* Fixed changing num shards interact badly with hi-poly meshes
* Fixed shatter preview mode slow down with hi-poly meshes
* Fixed application crash when shattering some complex non-convex models


Update 3.8



* Available for 3ds Max 2017
* New Wood splinters reshattering scheme
* New "detect mesh groups" shatter option for shattering correctly combined meshes
* Jagginess preserve UVs of original faces( single and multi uvs)
* Cut Material->new allows to update the material of current shatter group
* AutoSelect the fracture body in list corrersponding to current selected fragment
* original object is auto selected after shatterit->undo All
* Improved performance  drawing of fragments in 3d max


* Fixed random angular velicity is ignored if random linear velicity is set to 0.0
* Fixed cut material get lost if user override its slot in the material editor
* Fixed jagginees dont apply to objects with edit mesh modifier applied
* Fixed Max crash after deleting a former parent of a detached fbody
* Fixed clusterize parameter doesnt work for detached fbodies in Maya
* Fixed source model not freezed while working in preview mode
* fixed non pdi fragments not banned for adding jagginess
* Fixed convex hull generation fails in a few cases
* Fixed 3d max crash if any object fails to attach in setup fracture window
* Fixed unbreakable until frame ignored by breakable by frame clusters
* Fixed Cluster wrongly includes nearby fragments not selected and separated
* Fixed crackers list lost focus after changing of tab
* Fixed Close Pulldownit tool wrong warning after scene new
* Fixed jaggy frequency dependance on faces orientation
* Fixed jaggy frequency dependance on object size
* fixed update rbd transform in mass increase a lot body mass

Update 3.7



* Perfect shattering of holed concave shapes like 3D letters

* 20% speed up shatter for hi-poly meshes

* Improved behavior of fracture bodies option “Break Upon Impact” specially with force fields.

* “Force convex shapes” is now the default for fracture bodies creation, allowing very fast and stable fracture dynamics in most cases


* Fixed rigid body masses overrided after reseting scene

* Fixed jagginess doesnt apply to fragments with multi uvs

* Fixed shatter crash when non-convex faces are present

* Fixed seed 0 doesnt generate diferent points each time

* Fixed Radial shatter generated aligned points on the borders

* Fixed fragments slide weirdly on the grid plane

* Fixed 3d max crash when apply jagginess to concave faces

* Fixed 3d Max crash sometimes after making scene->new and resetting simulation

* Fixed 3d Max crash after shattering an object with modifiers applied sometimes

* Fixed shatter preview point cloud weird displacement with excentric objects

* Fixed Fracture bodies attach nearby fragments each other regardless threshold sometimes

* Fixed Fracture bodies ignores breakable by frame clusters when fragments are sleeping

update 3.5


New Features:

* Available for 3d Max  2016

* Congruent vertex normals after shattering.

* Uniform shatter pattern can be offsetted/squeezed

* UniformLocalRadial extend to selected shards only on reshattering

* Ability to do transition animation-dynamics for group of fragments

* Force convex shapes option for fracture bodies creation

* Added 3d Max main menu bar entry  for Pulldownit


* Fixed invalid stresses created between isolated fragments and the rest

* Fixed clusters outstresses are lost after loading the scene

* Fixed Max crash when object has a multimaterial with empty slots

* Fixed shatter progress bar for several objects

* Fixed cancelling shatter doesnt revert to original node

* Fixed Shatterit skip some objects when shattering in ortographic view

* Fixed transition anim-dynamics fails in 2 steps sims

* Fixed update crackers list when a cracker is deleted by user in viewport

* Fixed modifying clusterize parameter in frame diferent than start frame

* Fixed Pdi tool bar ails when plugin is close in Utilities panel



Update 3.4


This update features a number of fixes of previous version


* Fixed (X,Y) dependence and wrong scale in path based shatter

* Fixed WSM modifiers fails in dynamics

* Fixed unbreakabke firsthit fracture bodies start to move when being hit before break frame

* Fixed secundary cracks doesnt work with local propagation

* Fixed preview local shatter left some cortners unreachable for hi-poly meshes

* Fixed when local centers > 1 locators updates weirdly in preview mode


Update 3.3


This update features a number of fixes of previous versión


Added set object layer for shattering when current layer is hidden

* Fixed local shatter width parameter not working for some models
* Fixed local shatter align fragments on cortners
* Fixed Voronoi modifier not deleted after deleting all pdi entities
* Fixed anim fracture bodies fails when animated node diferent than original shape
* Fixed path based preview points miss the last knot
* Fixed weird dynamics after loading a scene in Max first time playing.
* Fixed Force fields ignores breakable parameters of clusters
* Fixed Max crash after loading a scene with jagginess applied
* Fixed Max crash when hit play buttom from the tool bar and Pulldownit plugin isnt active
* Fixed objects pass through grid when scene scale is very large
* Fixed large chunks remain static  for first hit fracture bodies

Update 3.1


This update features a number of fixes of previous version


* Fixed UI crackers params doesnt get disabled for disabled crackers.

* Fixed Max crash doing scene new

* Fixed Max crash when undo after shattering

* Fixed floating license not loading with proxy option

* Fixed large clusters incorrect bounces in dynamics

* Fixed simulation  keys are removed  when loading a scene witn Pdi data

* Added fragments parented to bones can break dynamically

Release 3.0



Shattering of objects is now 20% faster.

New Preview Mode for Shattering: Allowing user to visualize all shatter params before breaking the geometry.

Conform Voronoi Reshatering: User is not longer constrained when reshattering a model, any shatter pattern can be added to the current set of fragments seamlessly, in addition new Conform Voronoi reshatering reduce the number of straight edges in the shatter pattern, hence improving the quality of the fragments generated.

New Width parameter for Radial Shatter.

New Undo Last button for undoing only the last shatter operation.

New Crackers Window: New window for controlling dynamic cracks, you count with several parameters for adjusting the the cracks generation.

New Clusters Panel: User now can set clusters of fragment with different fracture parameters in the same fracture body, clusters can be edited at any time and are saved with the scene.

Bounded Force fields can break fracture bodies: Any bounded force field can break fracture bodies in an accurrate way.

Speed up auto body creation: Creating many rigid bodies at once from complex geometry is much faster now.


* Fixed crash when convex hull has degenerated faces

* Fixed sim start frame not loaded sometimes
* Fixed fracture body reset incorretly when linked to animated in not bake mode
* Fixed reset slow down with many objects
* Fixed fracture body->create slow down with many objects
* Fixed pdi nodes load displaced in 3d max when parented