Pdi used for the Open MAC conference 28-03-2011
Ian Zeigler show us his stunning shots with Pdi
Pdi shows literally groundbreaking in these shots by Ian Zeigler combining fracture with ncloth and particles with stunning results,



here the author explains some details about how these impressive shots were done,

Character-Environment destruction! 15-02-2011
Get stunning destruction with your animated models using Pulldownit plugin.

Andres de Mingo have done some stunning demos about character-environment destruction using Pulldownit Pro plugin in Max and Maya,




Make these effects possible using  Pulldownit plugin in a pretty easy way,learn more in this case study by the author:


Online shop is ready! 27-01-2011

You can already purchase Pulldownit Pro in our online shop.

If you like Pulldownit free version, you are going to love the Pro version including the Shatter it! tool and many other powerfull features for dynamics and fracture, you can buy it already in our online shop:



Make your Previz fast! 15-11-2010
Using Pulldownit you can get your demolition previz done in minutes

Pulldownit solver is so fast computing that allows users to have demolition and fracture previz done  in a few minutes. See this video showing a series of building demolitions previz :


 Learn how Pulldownit plugin can help you in your motion planning, and camera placement with this real-time previz tutorial:

For Max:


For Maya:


really you think you can find something better?


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