Outline view of Shatterit fragments in viewport
New shatter option for using a volume shape as source
New Adquire Shatter style
Jagginess is now independent of mesh tessellation
New soften edges UI parameter for jagginess
Improved look of jaggines with soften edges
New option to apply jaggines to broken fragments only
Speed up Fractures solver 30% * 50% less memory needed for caching simulations
Clusterize parameter now depends on object hardness
New ability to pull apart pieces of an animated object in dynamics at desired frame.
Default masses for rigid bodies adjusted to more comprehensible values
Improved performance of fragments selection in advanced fractures
cluster break energy is now independent of mass
First hit bodies which eventually doesnt move are excluded from caching and baking
Added a bake selected option
* Fixed secundary cracks dependance on object mass
* Fixed shatter history points doesnt match the object transform in frame diferent than 0
* Fixed shatter it generates the same pattern when shattering several objects at once
* Fixed VP2 slow down when switching stresses colors for many fragments
* Fixed delete fracture bodies is very slow when in VP2
* Fixed delete fracture body with baked keys causes pdi solver get blocked
* Fixed PDI scene gets corrupt when user changes Maya units
* Fixed animated rotating bodies with pivot away from CM perform bad collisions
* Fixed Maya crash when user duplicate a node with pdi body attached
* Fixed incorrect drawing of Fracture bodies contour when faces has more than 32 vertexes
* Fixed solver start frame value missed when loading a PDi scene
* Fixed animated fracture bodies go haywire when scratching the slider
* Fixed PDI solver gets blocked if users delete PDi keys using Maya commands
* Fixed animated bodies fails to compute vertex velocities sometimes
* Fixed capsule volume not displayed in VP2
* Fixed shatter a non animated parent node hide all its shilds in viewport
* Fixed parented nodes are displayed incorrectly in stresses view using VP2
* Fixed firts hit fractures arent activated if impact body mass is less than its own mass
* Fixed selected fbody isnt displayed when going back to start frame